We help our clients manage programs aimed at improving health and supporting health initiatives.
Proven Methodology
Our skilled and objective subject matter experts work alongside our Federal clients, assisting them with procedures, compliance monitoring, and records management. We help our clients manage programs that sustain initiatives to improve health outcomes. . The Hill Group’s proven program management methodology and approach contribute to all aspects of a programs life cycle, from pre-award through closeout, and support funding agencies, throughout each phase of the process.
What We Do
Development of requests for applications (RFAs)
Grant application peer review Identification and recruitment of subject matter experts to serve as peer reviewers
Grant support services via GrantSolutions
Grants administration, including implementation, reporting, and closeout
Data collection, analysis, and reporting
Records management Database development and maintenance
Targeted outreach to and training for grantees
Development of grantee partnerships and collaboration
Grants management and compliance monitoring
Project Highlight
In 2015, the Hill Group assisted the Indian Health Service’s Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention (DDTP) in the development of a new competitive grant announcement for the Special Diabetes Program for Indians grant program. Staff developed RFA-related documents, created and implemented a technical assistance plan for grant applicants, and developed informational materials about the submission process. Staff also supported DDTP’s application review process, coordinating the review of more than 500 grant applications and recruiting and managing more than 300 reviewers. Also as part of this work, HG developed and currently maintains a database containing information on all applicants and funded grantees (e.g., grant program-level data, grantee-level clinical data), as well as a database of grant application peer reviewers.