Staff and consultants at the Hill Group provide technical assistance, training, and professional services to Federal agency staff, grantees, and clinical and medical professionals in support of health and human service programs.

Systematic Approach

We use a systematic approach to design and deliver training in a wide array of formats including on- and offsite consultation, in-person and online learning, and the development and dissemination of resource materials such as clinical guidelines.

As part of technical assistance, HG also provides full life-cycle support for the development and implementation of our client’s strategic plans. Our technical staff are experienced in addressing some of today’s most complex issues, including obesity prevention, diabetes, kidney disease, and heart health.

What We Do

  • Organizational needs assessments
  • Technical assistance and training
  • In-person and virtual trainings in both small- and large-group settings
  • Development of Section 508-compliant e-learning curricula and clinical guidelines
  • CME/CE/CEU accreditation from professional organizations
  • Content usability testing with key stakeholders
  • Literature reviews, environmental scans, focus groups, and indepth interviews

Project Highlight

The Indian Health Service’s Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention (DDTP) is responsible for developing, documenting, and sustaining clinical and public health efforts to treat and prevent diabetes in American Indians and Alaska Natives. The Division supports and manages the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) by translating the latest science and disseminating it to health programs across the country.

HG provides training on diabetes science and SDPI program management through a multidisciplinary clinical training team. HG’s clinical trainers have developed and/or facilitated hundreds of trainings on advancements in diabetes care, providing thousands of CME and CE hours to clinicians and reaching thousands of clinical audience members.